About Me

Working Experience

  • Machine Learning Engineer @Quora, 09.2021 -
    • In distribution team (contents recommendation)
    • Setup hypothesis - qualitatively evaluate - implement - run experiment


Topics in Interest

  • Recommendation System
  • General Data Science
  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence
  • Robustness Certification of Neural Networks
  • Artificial Intelligence Ethics


  • Scalable Polyhedral Verification of Recurrent Neural Networks / CAV 2021
    • Wonryong Ryou, Jiayu Chen, Mislav Balunovic, Gagandeep Singh, Andrei Dan, Martin Vechev
  • Prediction of atomic configuration in binary nanoparticles by genetic algorithm / Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 48 (6)
    • JS Oh, WR Ryou, SC Lee, JH Choi

Research Experience

  • Master’s Thesis @LatticeFlow, 10.2020 - 05.2021
    • Transforming images semantically with several generative approaches, including GANs
    • Interpreting the inference for human perception
    • Handling VAE, InfoGAN, ACGAN, CycleGAN, StyleGAN, partial convolution, etc.
  • Student Research Assistant @SRI lab (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Vechev), 06.2019 - 10.2020
  • Undergraduate Intern @hci+d lab (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Joonhwan Lee), 10.2016 - 02.2017, 07.2017 - 12.2017
    • Research and application to automated formal reporting system based on Korean language
    • HCI approach for user case segmentation of machine generated earthquake alert
  • Research Commissioner @KETI (supervisor: Senior Researcher Youngmin Ji), 01.2014 - 02.2014
    • Visualized real-time building energy consumption with WebGL and three.js

Teaching Experience

  • Undergraduate Teaching Assistant @Seoul National University (instructor: Jonghwan Oh), 09.2017 - 12.2017
    • Introduction to Information-Culture Technology
    • Taught fundamental concepts of programming and basic coding skills to novice-level undergraduates in a mandatory course of Information and Multimedia Culture
    • Assessed student assignments (7 individual assignments, 1 team project) and answered questions from online/offline

Awards and Honors

  • National Scholarship for Science and Engineering from KOSAF
    • Four-year full tuition scholarship for Seoul National University
  • Third Place from ACM-ICPC Asia Daejeon Regional Contest
    • Ranked 3rd among the participants as a team member of 7HAH
    • Standing
  • Third Prize from SNUCSE Programming Contest
    • Ranked 3rd among the CSE undergraduates
  • Bronze Medal from IOI 2010
  • Silver Medal from APIO 2010

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