Importance Sampling


For some reason, I’m now working on the sampling methods to improve the models’ performance. We have tons of data, but using every row is pretty expensive and shows slower convergence. After some research, I found an insightful reference of training data sampling for neural networks. Although it’s not clear if this is applicable to my project, let’s go through the brief introduction of the method.

Why importance sampling?

Importance sampling is based on the intuition that not all samples are equally important to practitioners. Some outliers could just harm the model performance, for example, and without knowing those, the model complexity could dramatically increase to incorporate all samples. Hence, should some samples are more important than others, we can focus on those stressed out ones first.

Importance sampling is applicable both to convex problems and neural networks, and, of course, we’re interested in the latter case more:) Generally, sampling method helps the model training to reduce variance of the estimator.

Importance sampling in deep learning

Curriculum learning

Bengio et al.1 suggested curriculum learning for training deep neural networks in the early era. This is somehow mimicking the human learning process–by providing gradually harder problems, the model converges better and faster. Well, we cannot say this is best way to train the model since there are directly opposite ways reported as working well. In those cases, easy examples are considered as non-informative.

It has been more than 10 years, and you know, 10 years in this field means a lot–the examples paper presented are already somehow outdated, such as skip-gram language model. Fortuantely, according to 2, curriculum learning is still an active field of this line.

Loss-based sampling

Another line of work is loss-based sampling. 3 and 4 use the loss history for the sampling distribution. The former is from Google, and provides nice intuition of for choosing better samples (replays) by ‘surpriseness’ for reinforcement learning in game playing. However, both have limitations of expensive hyperparameter tunings for handling “stale” importance scores.

Importance score by gradient upper bound

EPFL folks5 presented interesting approach to the imporatance sampling field. Following the notations from their paper (and probably you’ll notice the notations quickly), the goal of deep learning training is to find

\[\theta^* = \arg\min_\theta \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \mathcal{L} (\Psi(x_i;\theta), y_i)\]

When we use SGD to train the model with learning rate $\eta$ based on the sampling distribution $p_1^t, \cdots, p_N^t$, re-scaling coefficients $w_1^t, \cdots, w_N^t$, and $I_t$ be the data point sampled at step $t$, we have $P(I_t = i) = p_i^t$ and

\[\theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \eta w_{I_t} \nabla_{\theta_t} \mathcal{L}(\Psi(x_{I_t}; \theta_t), y_{I_t})\]

Here, plain SGD with uniform sampling is equivalent to using $w_i^t = 1$ and $p_i^t = 1/N,\ \forall t,i$. Let’s define convergence speed $S$:

\[S = -\mathbb{E}_{P_t} \left[ \| \theta_{t+1} - \theta^* \|_2^2 - \| \theta_t - \theta^* \|_2^2 \right]\]

If we set $w_i = \frac{1}{N p_i}$ and $G_i = w_i \nabla_{\theta_t} \mathcal{L}(\Psi(x_{I_t}; \theta_t), y_{I_t})$, then according to the authors,

\[S = 2\eta (\theta_t - \theta^*) \mathbb{E}_{P_t} [G_{I_t}] - \eta^2 \mathbb{E}_{P_t} [G_{I_t}]^T \mathbb{E}_{P_t} [G_{I_t}] - \eta^2 tr(\mathbb{V}_{P_t} [G_{I_t}])\]

The first two terms are the speed of batch gradient descent, but minimising the last trace term exactly takes too expensive compuatations. The author suggests to set a bound \(\hat{G}_i \geq \| \nabla_{\theta_t} \mathcal{L} (\Psi (x_i; \theta_t), y_i) \|_2\), and due to

\[\arg\min_P tr(\mathbb{V}_{P_t} [G_{I_t}]) = \arg\min_P \mathbb{E}_{P_t} [\| G_{I_t} \|_2^2]\]

the relaxed optimisation problem as:

\[\min_P \mathbb{E}_{P_t} [\| G_{I_t} \|_2^2 ] \leq \min_P \mathbb{E}_{P_t} [w_{I_t}^2 \hat{G}_{I_t}^2].\]

After the long calculation, the authors suggests the proxy of the upper bound $\hat{G}_i$. See the paper for the full calculus, and bring the key idea from here only:) By calculating $\hat{G}_i$, we can consider those as the importance score, and weigh more to samples with higher scores.

Unlike previously suggested methods, this approach guarantees the theoretical basis on the approximation of reduced variance from the sampling. Also, this is beneficial by having much less computation cost and hyperparameter tuning. However, just as other theoretically guaranteed approaches do, this results are generally more conservative than the reality.


  1. Bengio, Yoshua, et al. “Curriculum learning.” Proceedings of the 26th annual international conference on machine learning. 2009. 

  2. Portelas, Rémy, et al. “Automatic curriculum learning for deep rl: A short survey.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.04664 (2020). 

  3. Schaul, Tom, et al. “Prioritized experience replay.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.05952 (2015). 

  4. Loshchilov, I. and Hutter, F. “Online batch selection for faster training of neural networks.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.06343 (2015). 

  5. Katharopoulos, Angelos, and François Fleuret. “Not all samples are created equal: Deep learning with importance sampling.” International conference on machine learning. PMLR, 2018.